

That “damage” has made over a billion at the Box Office, the only thing the studios care about after all is said and done.

SNL had a pretty significant miss to hit ratio back with the original cast, IMHO 60%miss vs. 40%hit.

To bad yours continues to get exposed.

Everyone has the right to their opinion, but then again everyone has an asshole.....which they should keep discretely hidden.

True, she has a serious case of “crazy eyes” and that belly tattoo will shrimp any self-respecting bezel...but the kid waaaaasssss 17......

In the Milius version with AS, there’s a definite progression from a muscle-bound rube to a more tactically skillful warrior. in the end battle sequence, Conan uses some clever defensive and guerrilla tactics to defeat a numerically superior foe.

What would you like to discuss.

I don’t think it will be canceled, it likely will linger in development hell for a period of time until the Repugs lose their congressional majority, Drumpf gets impeached and then pardoned by Pence and the Repugs lose the 2020 election by the biggest landslide in history. By then, Disney will quietly announce Gunn’s

Here we go again.....

If the date isn’t going well then have the balls to politely end it and pay for your portion of the meal.

Since it’s Texas those perps are pretty dumb.  They’re more than likely to be greeted by a homeowner carrying a shotgun at the minimum.

...or become the next Ra’s Al Ghul

Yes, the whole shenanigan’s in Vegas ruin the whole movie it’s so dated now. It doesn’t help that Connery is so out of shape and looks terrible, the only reason he did it was to fund the purchase of his home on Mallorca, Spain.

Star Wars Fanboys, You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Diamonds are Forever, in particular, has not aged well.

From Russia with Love/Goldfinger/On Her Majesties Secret Service/The Spy Who Loved Me/For Your Eyes Only/Goldeneye

Too bad J. Lee Thompson or Robert Wise are both dead.

In a recent interview the showrunner mentioned that the fate of the missing ship will be one of the main plot points of S6, along with dealing with natives from the new planet.

It’s a shame, Solo was actually a very good SW movie, especially considering the noted production issues.