
You think a private investigation controlled by a corporate entity requires the same level of disclosure and openness that a public civil litigation would?

That’s OK, it’s the civil litigation that’ll cause the most lasting pain for the perp.

Actually, yes she does, especially if it’s not a hearing in a court of law.


Where did Dykstra state that she wouldn’t tell her story in a COURT OF LAW.

Again, a “network investigation” is not a court of law.  She is not an employee of said network and it’s not in her best interest, legal or otherwise, to cooperate in any way.

What investigator? An employee of the Network whose best interest would be to sweep this whole thing under the rug and make it go away.

A “network investigation” is not a court of law, therefore the “network investigation” would not have provided Dykstra with any of the legal protections a court of law wold have.

Because, as she stated, she has no legal protections if she had decided to take part in it.

Oh well, guess it’s back to cruising the streets of Austin yelling through a bullhorn attached to a giant speaker on the roof of his car.

Del Toro’s orginal conception and Jackson’s intention after picking up the pieces was to make only two movies, but then WB stepped in and demanded a trilogy to help guarantee a profit.

Ditto, originally I blamed Jackson’s ego for the whole mess, but it turns out much of the debacle was caused by the studios at the last minute demanding a trilogy out of what was planned to be two films all along.

So you trust the crumbling Soviet bureaucracy to have properly reported the cancer rates in the Ukraine and Belarus?

The Walking Deadwood?

It was a bit more than ONE TWEET snowflake..

This whole sorry incident is so obviously a tit-for-tat response to Roseanne getting fired.  Disney need to be boycotted to send them a message.

Isn’t this what Chipotle already uses to marinade their chicken?

Wrong, look up Shorty Shea

That seems to support more of a West World<>Jurassic Park....er...World cross-over than no one wants.

My theories always been that Spielberg let an uncredited Tobe Hooper direct the death scenes in The Lost World.