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    Watched this for the first time a little while ago. Not as terrible as I expected, though still pretty dumb; I agree with Mr. Rabin that it was a pretty lazy effort. I have to say I did expect it be more malicious, and not just simple and boneheaded.

    Evolution 2016. Yearly international fighting game tournament (Street Fighter, Tekken etc), the largest in the world. I used to go all the time, but I'm getting old and I don't like the new games as much as the old ones. Still fun to watch since the tournaments get bigger every year. Currently waiting for the

    As someone who listened to Carolla for nearly two decades (since 1990s radio Loveline), I can say unequivocally that he was wrong in his handling of the situation.

    Legit star turn for Lee, and a very well-made film.

    Telltalle does good work. This will probably turn out just fine.

    More upset that he liked Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie. Up there with the Frank Grimes episode as the one which receives too much love from fans because it was self-aware (but still not better than average for The Simpsons)

    For FOB fans-

    I could do an entire series of articles which would be reviews of these reviews, in which I would point out the things I hated about them or simply disagreed with.