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    I started playing about four days ago, and I just had two deathclaw attacks in two hours. As soon as I earned enough coins to revive the 22(!) characters who died in the first raid, another set of deathclaws showed up and killed just as many. I honestly don’t see any point in continuing to play the game!

    Yeah, it’s like a kid stomping away and saying she’s going to move to her friend’s place because her FRIEND’s dad will let her stay up past 9.

    Agreed. I was having trouble pinpointing just why this rubbed me to wrong way, that that sums it up.

    There’s a long waiting list and it’s not a quick or easy process.

    Nope. As much as she thinks she’d be doing Vancouver a favour with her presence, she owns real estate in a market where foreign demand is already so crazy that housing is scarce and way out of reach of reach for most locals. I’m guessing she also wouldn’t pay taxes to the Canadian government. But maybe she’d, like,

    YES! Thank you.