Trysty Sage

I love my ramen, and have tried Ichiran ramen, and yes I think it’s superior to U.S. cheaper store bought ramen, but not worth the 15-50x price tag. I can get other brands for 10-20 cents a pack. I add an egg, scallion/shallot,a dash of soy sauce and toasted sesame oil, and if I have any, either thin cut nori, or a

Seriously, you missed the best and delicious cheese dip.

This is great for fancy soft cheeses, but for regular hard/semi-hard block (not shredded) cheeses that most people buy, like Cheddar, Monterey Jack, Swiss, Gouda, Havarti, etc., you want to wrap that up tight, with no air. As long as the cheese has no air in the container/bag, mold can’t grow, and it will last a LONG

Sounds like a great alternative, but I do have to say it...

I voted for the candidate least likely to lie under oath and/or intentionally compromise National Security.

Hey Matt,


That would still make a very small sword in minecraft. Meh.

So does Thermite taste better burnt? I’ve tried Marmite and Vegemite straight out of the jar, but never thought of grilling them. Never heard of Thermite before though.

Those silly Mormons will do anything to attract a(nother) wife. Pretty cool though.

Who needs a whetstone or new fangled sharpener when my belt sander in my shop works like a charm.

$13.5 Million to create 3 tiny H’s? Wow, I should get me one of those 3D printers and make Billions.

Why would someone pour bleach on the coral in the lower part of the picture? What a shame.

I never knew human sperm could grow so large once released into the wild. You learn something new every day.

Why on Earth would someone put bleach on so many coral reefs? I realize beach is cheap, but that must’ve cost that evil-doer a lot of money.