Are we allowed to call Sherman a stupendous asshole yet? Or does that alone still make us bad people?
Are we allowed to call Sherman a stupendous asshole yet? Or does that alone still make us bad people?
Except in this instance Sherman was the one who got agitated from the words of a white sportswriter. Jim Moore is probably the least likely of anybody in attendance at the press conference today to give a shit if he were to get his press pass pulled.
Well it is a fair criticism of the reporters.
As someone who has seriously considered creating and documenting the creation of fake news as a way to expose how shitty our news media is...I’m okay with this.
We need stories like this to expose the horseshit way our news-media works.
The only thing that would make me go from 74% supporting these twitter dudes up 100%…
And your field grade officer brother makes as much as five lance corporals, who bear the actual brunt of the fighting. Life ain’t fair, go figure.
Your brain doesn’t have to fully develop to know that there are certain things that you just don’t do. A toddler’s brain is nowhere near development, but they know what nerve endings do for a person when they draw their hand back quickly from an oven door and shout, “hot!”
Naw you just misunderstood what I was talking about.
Yep. Myspace > Facebook.
You are not going to win a lot of games if your players are just doing whatever the fuck they feel like doing.
Oh come on, he’s not being praised anywhere. The collective reaction is disgust.
Like others, I don’t think the current team had anything to do with Sandusky. They shouldn’t be penalized for the lapses in judgment made by administrators and coaches 15 to 30+ years ago. I do think that there should have been more a housecleaning than there was in the athletic department. Only the higher ups…
It’d be nice to see an actual football discussion on here about Penn State and not some stupid, internet neckbearded, mama’s basement dwelling idiots. Look we get it, Sandusky was bad. JoePa was bad, Larry Moe and Curley were bad. And they are all gone and there is nothing anyone can do about it. I hate it and them…
You mean you don’t spend half of your day on the internet worrying about the plight of underprivileged minority groups?
My dad voted for Trump in large part because Obamacare more than tripled his health insurance premiums while doubling his deductible. People vote republican for fact based reasons as well.
All this hand-wringing is just virtue-signaling. “Oh, look at me! I’m absolutely terrified! I’m such an ally.”
The equivalency I was drawing is to the equally not-supported-by-reality bullshit I’ve seen in a variety of places out of people on the left regarding stuff Trump is supposedly going to do. Putting people in camps, deporting citizens of minority group X, and other blatantly unconstitutional actions that have zero…
as 538 noted, the gerrymander effect is far, far smaller that the left gives it credit for. Voter suppression is just the left’s version of “voter fraud” from the right: its impact is tiny.
I don’t know who the woman is that was the subject of this week’s section-by-section rebuttal, nor am I familiar with her work. It may all be shit, I don’t know.