
Khantoke service is like a platter of things you dip into it, like sticky rice, pork rinds, green vegetables. The photo on the label is what it looks like, a bunch of sharable bowls of things and a bowl of prik noom (or sometimes a red one that I never remember) to dip it in.

Another vendor link, which shows Oui Kham along with other green chili dip brands you can look out for at your market:

Khantoke Oui Kham Green Chili Paste/Dip (sorry for all the edits!):

Apple cider donut. Marnie.

The CP System arcade soundtrack, for comparison:

Glennon Doyle, the christian mommy blogger who divorced her husband of 12 years and then a year later married Abby Wambach, all-time leading goal scorer for the US women’s national soccer team, after meeting her at a librarian convention

Popeyes seem to vary the most by region among national fried chicken chains tbh. Some are great and some are utter shit.

Larian: look at our character creator, we removed all the sliders so you can only make attractive things

I don’t care about EA’s involvement. What turned me off is summed up quite well in the story:

I sing its praises every time a story like this comes up. When I lived in Lafayette a decade ago they proudly displayed a framed, autographed photo of the Road Warriors on the buffet shield.

Lafayette, Louisiana, on Pinhook as of 2017:

no shit I would play Madden Warriors, in either direction:

fun considering the figurine of the protagonists has them wearing knock-off Chucks with gaming rig LED strips in the side walls

Now playing

obligatory “more like a man’s grave”

It’s a console navigation system! I know this!

watch them do what already happens with soccer on twitch and have added product-placement “hydration breaks” mid-match

as someone who survived multiple hurricanes, including rita, do NOT donate to the Red Cross, a fraction of what they get will ever reach folks who need it