
No, just bored...

Ain’t gonna fix what isn’t broken... unlike your mom’s puss after I got done with her. That’s gonna need some major reconstruction...

We can disagree on what we do, but the overall message I should have gone with is “this all comes down to blaming outside forces for problems that can be controlled from within... and nobody is/ wants to be addressing what really needs to be”

1) That one was horribly written, I’ll say that, but in “white” communities (sounds more racist than I meant it, hard to disengage the trolling mechanism when I’m trying to state an actual point here) it used to be that everyone knew who was around them and engaged with each other and their families. It created a

Just the ones I’ve fucked... like your mom

Tell that to Jimmy... he’s been dickless for years

I sit when I pee... but just so I don’t have to listen to my women bitch about the seat being up

Y’all are fucking retarded...

I know I will...

I can’t blame him for leaving... It’s hard to live with an uppity cunt...

The only pretending that’s going on is you thinking you’re not a whiny bitch...

What about uppity bitch?... Cause you’re acting like one

Considering it is current day and age, not when those phases held those meanings, you response is retarded... by your logic, women shouldn’t leave the house because that is where they belong...

Protect my fee fees is not a good response

How about I don’t police what I say since it contextually contains not racism from myself, and you, along with all the other faggoty liberal bitches, kindly suck a dick?

Take a walk back to Africa then... try to find it...

The Root in it’s entirety isn’t necessarily unreasonable... it’s just racist

And niggas be niggas...

Ahhh, good to see Micheal marching at the head of the sarcastic, racist nigga parade... Fuck you as always

Until Title IX bullshit comes calling haha