
The gender pay gap is not real... there is no data to back up these assertions and it’s pathetic that you women are so dumb not to see that men commit more hours to work, compete in more dangerous professions and generally are more committed to working while women take on the bulk of raising children. Quit being

This pairing is going into my ‘dream threesome’ spankbank folder

They could have just raped her to death like a Palestinian soldier would have?

Maybe if women’s criticism did sound like listening to nails on a chalkboard...

You leave out Bullseye?! This shit article is really a shit joke...

Yep, remove the nostalgia-goggles at the movies play out pretty similar (minus the Daft Punk)

Exactly... He’s just gotta boner for ass-fucking Uber because they touched him as a child

You’re fucking retarded... who tests this shit then, Patrick? Uber itself are not the ones operating the systems, the actual engineers who made the system are the ones reviewing analyzing and improving the tech. They are the ones who have a deal to use Uber provided vehicles to test their tech...

Just the level of quality ‘journalism’ I’d expect from someone at The Root...

Let not miss a major point of retardism on the part of the victim. If she would have crossed the street 5 feet to her right, under the fully lighted section of the roadway, she would have been so visible a blind man would have seen her... just sayian...

What I know is you retards are prominently displaying his name and photo... continuing to add to his infamy like many other retarded “news” sites which in turn helps to propagate even more problems with people seeking this kind of attention

But YouTube does suck...

This is a retarded statement.... what if the calculations by the tech determine that an abrupt braking maneuver would have caused a wreck and thus didn’t brake? I hope you think more carefully... because this shows you did not 

You’re argument isn’t just a slippery slope it’s retarded.

Aint you the most eloquent of the retards...

It will be ended... when we run out of niggas being dumb

Don’t be silly... no one on this site actually takes care of members of their society... they want someone else to do it

Clearly you’ve never lived in Sacramento...

I want to know why these dumbasses damage other people’s property, then have bad stuff happen to them when they act like dumbasses... then you feelz fags expect others to have sympathy for their situation.

So... dipfuck it committing a crime, non-compliant, then runs from the cops?... I don’t understand why the cop would be on high alert cuz I’m a retard who read articles on The Root!??!!?!