“Paris, you complete me.” -Rory to Paris, after their shock same-sex wedding.
“Paris, you complete me.” -Rory to Paris, after their shock same-sex wedding.
This is basically an episode of Blackish.
It’s about time, time for him to get the help he’s so clearly needed for years now—not time for conspiracy theories. He’s textbook bipolar; it’s always clear from his rants and outbursts when he’s going through a manic stage. My husband just said this morning, “my god, when are the people who love him going to get…
That’s a non-peer reviewed paper co-authored by one of the most notorious trans-haters in the country, who hasn’t actually treated a trans person in more than 40 years. It misrepresents the results of a single Swedish study, which reached that conclusion only for those who had surgery prior to 1989. In any event,…
Great job avoiding the elephant in the room on why you were being told that yesterday.
Nicholas Sparks is at this very moment bringing a lawsuit against the wedding planner for intellectual property infringement, claiming this was “future” intellectual property.
I imagine the word “dude” featured prominently.