
Survey all your relatives on how much they like to parallel park. I’d bet a solid 75% would LOVE this idea, and would pay for it.

What if you have been blocked though?

In the case of the commercial, fuck the (fictional) person in the silver SUV for parking like a complete ass. They deserve to not be able to get back into their vehicle without crawling over their center console.

*unsprung, and based on the fact that people are enthusiastic about “sports cars” that weight the better part of 5,000lbs on 20in wheels, nah, not nearly enough people care about weight no matter where it resides within the vehicle.

At least that Hyundai is between the lines. The Jeep on the other hand...

Does anyone *really* care about this outside of motorsports?


To answer the embedded question. Gold cars, yay!

You prefer the latest BMW or Lexus? 

Counterpoint to the old cranks who hate rear view cameras:

I’m okay with it, provided there’s something that keeps the camera clean.

This is a solved problem though, the only issue is that people have to be able to experience corrected focal distance displays to understand them and be willing to pay for them. Give it a few years and the premium brands will be using screens with corrected focal distance for both rear view and displaying dashboard

A parent company that owns multiple brands? Mind blown gif!

Underrated comment/observation!!


You must hate people with tinted windows lol.

For side mirrors, I hate the idea of cameras, but for rear? Absolutely!

They are two entirely different companies. 

I’m on the fence. I like the use of technology and maybe this is a real improvement but I like that a window doesn’t stop being a window because of a tech failure. Most importantly though, how am I going to casually flip off the car behind me and know they can see my gesture?

How many cars over the years have had functionally useless rear windows anyway?  My wife’s Defender and my GMC have rear view mirror screens so they could have blanked out rear windows as well and I’d never know.  This is fine.