
As Michael Pollan says, “Eat Food. Mostly plants. Not too much”

Exactly. I don’t understand what’s so hard to understand. If someone does something that might theoretically be considered unlawful (if at all) but there’s no danger to you or those around you, you do not have the right to murder that person. You simply call the police. Period. When your way is blocked, call the


So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?

This doesn’t contradict what I’m saying in any way. If someone connects his name to his face and posts it on Twitter, that’s a meaningless piece of information. I will probably never run into him in my life.

You’re saying that treating everyone equally and giving everyone an equal opportunity is communism and marxism? I’m not sure you understand what communism and marxism are if that’s what you’re saying.

If only there were a way to combine a homogenous-charge engine with a hybrid drivetrain…

Yep, and that’s fine. But he led with the head, no matter where he made contact with the receiver. There’s no effort made to wrap the guy up. If you can’t do that same move to a QB (and you can’t), then you shouldn’t be able to do it on a receiver or back (and you can).

Oddly, not on Cam last year. Oddly.

That’s because you Canadians go through your idiot drinking stage when you’re 10.

True maturity is abandoning all thought of alcohol as a social lubricant and embracing it as life’s only real peace.

I think it’s pathetic how people create these silly drinking games. Be it beer pong, flip cup, cards, you name it. Just juvenile. Drinking is supposed to be done alone, from the bottle, in your darkened living room.

I read a story about a couple that was able to pay off their student loans because they moved out of the condo one of their set of parents had given them. They moved back in with parents, and then rented out the gifted condo and used that towards the loan payback. I don’t think I’ve ever rolled my eyes so hard.

Thanks. It’s cool to see someone actually addressing this issue in a realistic manner. So much of the “get out of debt” (Dave Ramsey) or “retire by 30" (money moustache something or other) advice is based on making $300k a year and living like a broke college student. It’s just not feasible for most people. “You can’t

their parents gave them a large sum of money, they came up with a genius business idea that took off, or they have a job that already pays six figures and then just used that money to pay off their debt. I’m not saying the subjects in these profiles don’t work hard

Plus, it has the word cum in it.

“No hits, deep tracks only!”

Yeah, that cat is just a kitten and looks like it has a ways to grow. A 20+ pound semi-feral cat is a lot more to deal with than a fluffy kitten.

I laughed way too hard at this guy who clearly has never picked up a cat in his life.