
Yeah, and maybe women just aren’t interested in professions like software engineering.

I love this center and his curvy body. As a teenager, I was often teased by my friends for my attraction to offensive linemen on the thicker side...

Still better than going to a Mets game where people want to talk about the fucking Mets.

FYI...Turquoise is another Indian gem.

From speaking to a buddy from NYC, many cyclists develop these “offense is the best defense” tactics after living in NYC for long enough. People opening doors into your path, driving and parking in bike lanes, cutting you off - you basically are in constant fight-or-flight there.

The Imps are the Brits. The rebels are plucky Americans rebelling against them.

[reads headline]

I think the suggestion that women are more emotional and can’t handle high stress jobs is sort of rich coming from a person that wrote a 10-PAGE MANIFESTO about HR.


It is good to remember that these people don’t want free speech. They want freedom from criticism for themselves.

Is no one going to mention the attempted murder at 0:50?!

That whole setup looks mad dangerous though.

Way to typecast yourself Noah. Now you’re only going to get roles as the guy who throws things.

Yep Kelly took the account away. While “bombastic” and similiar language, unless he suddenly developed a completely different writing style after all these years it just some trying to mimic him.

Unless Kelly had convinced Trump to hand him his phone, I have no doubts that he’ll be back to Tweeting childish, stupid shit. I chalk this spate up to trying to rebut charges of White House chaos following “The Mooch” fiasco.

RadioLab had a really good episode on this particular game.

I’d argue that isn’t actively passing. Seems like you should be going at least 5 mph faster than the other vehicle.

One of my favorite signs...

Look motherfucker, I’d be a better driver too if I had Tim Horton’s coffee and Timbits fueling my commute.

My guess is that’s how police departments will fund themselves now that everyone’s getting all pissy about civil forfeiture.