
On a recent camping trip deep into the Oregon forest, I was following a friend’s new boyfriend driving a 1989 Toyota Pickup. It was smoking pretty good. When we parked, I asked him when the last time he had changed the oil.

Jeff Sessions is the worst of the crackers.

As long as his widow and child get nothing, I’m happy. As a bonus, Kansas City can re-allocate the contract money into some tasty new ballpark concession options this season. Win-win!

It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

I don’t have photos, but within a month you will be writing about how Cruz’s behavior at these games, which I’m sure involves copious elbows, calling a foul every time someone breathes on him, and jacking up a shot every time he gets the ball, has made him the most hated man in Washington.

This doesn’t fit with road toll figures, though. Today, more people drive more miles and fewer people die. As I said earlier in the thread, 69 Charger guy’s car was sold in a year where the road toll was FIVE TIMES higher than it is today (based on vehicle miles traveled, it was about 20,000 actual deaths higher, god

I thought we called it Takata Airbag

This ought to shut the highlight truthers right the fuck up. See? They do call traveling in the NBA.

That’s actually the second highest radar gun reading this offseason after Jung Ho Kang.

the story is as good as winning the money,”

I am so excited for this to lead to scintillating conversations with my friends about their recent sports gambling exploits. Thankfully that will lead into a quick side conversation around their fantasy football team, and finally we can discuss a bar they went to last weekend that is one of their favorites and has a

Note to self: if ever buying a Mustang, get 2016

A traitor to the country is a Great American according to Mississippi.

Edit: Ironically, this probably costs more than $2k.

My messy desk in my brewery

My “window” to the world at the moment.

My favorite thing about this election is that the same people who always bitched that Obama was soft on Putin are now enthusiastically supporting a guy who is openly sucking his dick. Excuse my language.

I’m starting to become more and more convinced that there was more direct hacking/tampering with the actual election results than was first admitted. There is definitely something going on. It seems the Republicans are trying to hide it (for obvious reasons) and Democrats and other government officials don’t know what

Side note: Married people use contraception too. People act like every woman on the pill is a literal prostitute.