
These are the Crocs of the audio world.

Froome: *quickly gathers urine*

It’s been estimated that Malaria is responsible for nearly half of all human deaths in all of history.

Considering centrifugal forces don't exist, why is this law valid? I don't mean to be pedantic, but it seems to set a precedent of being able to change definitions in a law. It'd be like outlawing magic and arresting someone for using electricity because someone in the 60s didn't understand science.

Sounds great, but I have a very hard time with people touching my feet. Like too ticklish for a foot massage even. I can't imagine I'm very compatible with pedicures.

That was disgusting. I had to quit watching as soon as he referred to 650 pounds force as a pressure.

The problem is, most beer origin stories are just myths. As Will stated, and as I’ve argued before, beer styles exist to give the customer an idea of what to expect. Even the BJCP was recently updated with this in mind - because it helps judges know what the brewer was trying to accomplish.

I saw Jeff Mangum on one of his first tours back. After a few songs he told the crowd if you sing along at home, sing along here before jumping in to Holland 1945. It was a great moment and made the concert better. But use discretion.

I’m glad we live in a small government state.

Did that miraculously get passed recently? Like in the past two days?

Despite the claims the extract brewing is easier, I've found 2 gallon brew in a bag to be great for stove top brewing. It takes a little more work, but most extract batches that aren't out of a can include steeping grains. Brew in a bag is tiny step from there, but allows for more control and, I have found, less mess.

If the Vox writers are satisfied with cheap wine, that’s fine. It’s their experience and they should enjoy it. Unfortunately, videos like that reinforce the idea that good wine / beer / coffee are just made up by snobs. I think the author’s frustration comes from the implication that her enjoyment of nicer wines is

Came here for this

My first thought when I saw the study was fraudulent was, “Is this the same one from TAL?” Sure enough, Ira Glass tweeted out a notice that this is the study from their story.

I’ll make sure to check y’all out if I see something around here!

What brewery do you own? As a fellow Alabamian, I’m both excited when I see how far we’ve come in the past few years and saddened by how much our state keeps holding us back.

Move to the south and work for a foreign manufacturer. Not exactly what I’d recommend, but it might be the easiest way.

Their Tuscan Pool Party out of the 100 barrel series was really good. I bought 3 bottles and sadly only have one left. At $6 for a bomber, it wasn't too expensive either. I agree with several other commenters, I often forget about harpoon, but they make some really good beers.

I like ____ IPA as a description, as it usually gives me a pretty good idea of what to expect. Something like "dark ale" gives me little insight beyond color, and even pale ale can be pretty broad (from Bass to Dale's). The worst is a beer simply labeled "ale". At least session IPA lets me know it will be hop forward

I think you missed the joke at the end.