
Voltage and amperage are independent (okay, not really, but kind of). I can have 5V at 2 amps or 5V at 0.00002 amps. What differs in these two is power, so 10W vs 0.0001 watts. I can also raise the voltage to increase power, but anything other than 5V won't charge a usb device.

Anyone who hasn't had it in awhile needs to go try some. It's great. Even better than I remember.

This 10000 times. I don't know the last time I read a beer related article that didn't have a smoking hot IPA take in the comments section. Sure, nearly every brewery has an IPA, but I don't know of a single brewery (okay, a single) that's only beer is their IPA. If someone's having trouble finding a different type of

I mean, I still check the reviews, especially after I've had something new. I like that people take time for a detailed review. I could just do without all the "is Hopslam overrated?" type threads.

I don't know if it's possible to enjoy beer less than the people who post on Beer Advocate.