
I’m with you, I was excited but apprehensive at it’s announcement because purchased all the fallouts previously, except for 4. I held out on that one long enough to realize that the brand had went towards the whole building aspect and it’s a game feature that doesnt do it for me and all I would end up ultimately doing

Libby, young children of both sexes are wet behind the ears. You’re whipping the sexist card prematurely and losing all credibility in the process.

and a +1 to Destiny. The more people that can come together to try and raid the better!

Hopefully this will expand to Rocket League and Minecraft sooner rather than later!

I’m gonna be That Guy and submit a metaphorical box for consideration:

The Humble Monthly Bundle. It’s $12, get 6 to 8 games, and very rarely are there duds. And if there’s something you don’t want or already have, they give you a code so you can pass it off to someone that would want it.

I’m gonna be That Guy and submit a metaphorical box for consideration:

The Humble Monthly Bundle. It’s $12, get 6 to

I blame the injury on the airbag not deploying during the Carr crash.

I thought this was going to be an article about how paying $60 on day one is way worse than waiting a month or two and just paying $40 for a patched, possibly expanded version of the game. Forget a few days, if you wait 3+ months, you often can get far more content and a far more stable title.

I don’t love this game, but I love that you guys love this game, and sort of love hating this game, and whatever exactly is going on here.

Complicated systems require greater effort to exploit and win.  The more effort you put in, the greater the feeling of triumph.  Bungie’s mistake was underestimating players’ tolerance for unfriendly gameplay systems.

Why oh why would you fuck around with Bob Woodward?!?!

Fortnite confounds me.  So many good ideas (this, rewards for 2-factor auth, neat world events) wrapped around a game I cannot find any enjoyment in.

Yo dawg, there is this awesome site called KINJADEALS - check it out! they often have deals on rechargeable batteries.

This article is bullshit. Literally nobody has ever been “blasted” with a Klobb. “Missed by” a Klobb often, “tickled” occasionally.

My brother’s a cop, and he tries the “bad apple” defense of shitty cops to which my reply is “so why are the ‘bad apples’ always fiercely defended by the bunch?”

Do they even attempt to fix the geometry that’s causing the issue? Or do they call it “good enough” and go on their merry ways?

Uh no. I dont want Amazon selecting my produce, seafood or cuts of meat for me. Perishable groceries are one place I’ll trade convenience for the actual laying eyeballs on something.

I always wanted to get into MS. I just never could. It seemed right up my alley but it just never stuck with me. It would be great on the Switch though. 

I think cosmetics will be the biggest focus — games like Fortnite have shown publishers that the best way to get people spending money (and feeling OK about spending their money) is to get them buying stuff they can show off to their friends (and enemies) but don’t need to buy for an advantage. I also think that

Oh I did 15 years in the Customer service salt mines, I 100% agree with you that some customers are asshats. But it’s like you said, you don’t say it to their face... in a public forum, and then follow it up with vitrol that will make the situation worse. Really, that was just the cherry on a shit sundae. By itself,

I’ve never been to E3, but I have done San Diego Comic Con, and that’s pretty insane. While there is a massive crush on the main floors and lots of people all over, I found that there were also a lot of quiet places and people interested in taking advantage of them to recharge, read a comic book, and be alone. I went