
Dang, I can’t believe I forgot Mexican. Taco Mamacita’s is good. I like Monday night tacos at Amigos and Taconooga is good too.

For Chattanooga, these are the ones I’ve gone to.

Dang it! If I had known about this a week beforehand, I would have totally been in. Anyone know if they’ll try to make this an annual thing?

I’ve got a pretty good heat tolerance. Now ask if anyone wants to sit in the chair after me.

Agreed that it’s the best move they could make. I personally can’t justify running around with just a portable console; having the the dual functionality definitely wins me over. I’m sorry, but mobile games just don’t cut it. And if I’m at home, I’ll play on my PC. The Switch fills these kind of weird transitory

Are there any other cases where a person has sued an organized race-based group? Not being facetious; like has a case ever been brought against, for example, the KKK?

I don’t think it’s that they are violent; kids are just more unpredictable. Ex: trying to see if a controller will float in the toilet. Or, using me as a kid for another example, wanting to see how something works by dismantling it.

Came here to point that out. Being objective about this, doesn’t the fact that he’ll un-tag Facebook photos indicate that he doesn’t want his name attached to his picture?

Wouldn’t it be easier to change the header (or footer) of the article with the updated information and link directly to it, instead of having this middleman? To be fair, I don’t know how your content system is set up, so I’m not 100% sure if that’s feasible.

I have a really hard time with someone defending their position as a “joke”. If I were to call said lawyer and say, “Hey, I’m going to kill you” and he decides press charges, I doubt I could say I was just joking and get away with it. Seriously people, think how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of these

While I’m all about learning how to invest at an early age, the gifter really needs to have a good sense of where the stock is heading. I would’ve regretted getting KB Toys stock when I was growing up.

Just got paid today...

Just got paid today...

Thanks for the link to the Dog Pack. And you’re right, they don’t really market the big sets either, though I making the argument for tokens specifically.

I’m curious about how long they ran those packs and how they were marketed, if at all. I mean, it seems like they do the “replace a token” vote every year as some sort of desperate attempt at regaining interest in the base game; it’d just be easier to sell replacement/custom packs.

Yep. My philosophy is that if the fans think they can do a better job, let them. But most “fans” would rather talk the talk then walk the walk.

Not advocating it, but just saying that it’s things like this that drive people to piracy.

Normally, I hate new iterations of Monopoly. I’ve previously ragged on Hasbro for doing nothing but endlessly pumping out licensed copies of the base game and not taking the opportunity to make token packs. This seems to address both issues.

I’ve never modded a game myself, beyond using what other modders have produced, so I’m in the same line of thought when it comes to doing it for love of the game.

True, although I was just using judicial system as an example. Not exposing myself to viruses and actually getting a product that works play their roles as well in moving me toward legitimacy.

Previous pirate here. It’s true; things like Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, and Steam (and all the third-party, non-grey market dealers it has spawned) have made piracy less appealing, at least for me. Why would I risk getting fined/going to court over a watching a movie that’ll be, in essence, $12 to watch? Why would I