Hey, pal. My closet cost me way more than $3k a month.
This is a bad take. Even if you don’t win those people, they need to start seeing the other side for who they are, rather than let Tucker Carlson paint the picture for them. If you don’t make that impact and get some buy in, we’re doomed to repeat the same, polarized cycle that we’ve been stuck in for at least a…
You have to be a real fucking coward to come in and beat the shit out of somebody that is already down for the count. Disgusting.
I own a Pixel 3 (so obviously after the deadline) but I have this weird thing where people say that they can’t hear me or I sound so choppy that they can’t understand me when I go onto speakerphone. I wonder if this is the same thing?
No love for Huck A Bucks?
I’ll start by saying that I don’t get the outrage about giving kids PBJs (or sunbutter in this case). PBJs got many of us through school. I take issue that there isn’t a more thoughtful approach to distributing this meal in consideration of those that have the means versus those that don’t.
People who speak truth don’t need to claim they are > Truth
The alternative to the U.S. backed guy is arguing in favor of a person who is currently doing this to his people: (*Warning: Disturbing Video*) https://www.abc.es/internacional/abci-tanqueta-nicolas-maduro-atropella-grupo-civiles-opositores-201904301927_video.html
I was on a beer trade forum looking at what was out there. There was one person, a guy from Jersey who had an interesting offer that I was looking at. He had an image on the bottom of his trade offer, as sometimes these posts have funny gifs. I click on the gif and there it was, the end of Endgame.
Have four 6 person debates for 24 candidates, winners are determined by polls and are invited to the next round. Now you have a 4 person debate and everybody else can go away.
I would love an article ranking some of your favorite can artwork. Then we can all tell you why you’re wrong and why OUR brewery has the best artwork.
Bro/frat party? Last time I was there about 3 years ago, they had some live music playing and people sitting out on picnic tables drinking and chatting. Did something change?
Who’s more mobile - Haskins or Drew Bledsoe (2019 version)?
The car is a few spikes and War Boys away from looking like it should be driven on Fury Road.
If the most intelligent person in the race is a feckless idiot, what do that make the rest of the field, or those that support them, for that matter?
The non recall desperation fix: the ole Rock n Play / Owlet combo.
If anyone out there ever ran cross country in Maryland at the state championship course in Hereford, some of these photos look eerily reminiscent (albeit with way faster runners). That course was murder.
Everybody has gone to their corners and we really aren’t far from a little spark igniting the whole thing. The scary part is, if things do pop off, one side has all the guns. Not great, Bob.
I’m working my way through the books (via audiobook) right now and I was so excited that they were working on a movie for the series. And did I hear correctly that Idris Elba was going to play Roland? That’s amazing! Can’t wait!