The VIPs’ tour guide for the evening, Mount Vernon president and CEO Doug Bradburn, told the president that Washington did, after all, succeed in getting the nation’s capital named after him. Good point, Trump said with a laugh.
The VIPs’ tour guide for the evening, Mount Vernon president and CEO Doug Bradburn, told the president that Washington did, after all, succeed in getting the nation’s capital named after him. Good point, Trump said with a laugh.
If you watch the full video, you get a phone call that tells you that you’re going to die in seven days.
This became apparent that this was going to happen last season. Unfortunately, I don’t see any way around it.
I mean, that isn’t even a funny joke. Plenty of west coast breweries produce an assortment of IPAs. Not to mention that NE IPAs are the best IPAs, so they must be a shitty brewery.
Killing go go music is killing a part of D.C. that we all grew up with.
This is great. I learned some Spanish today. Can’t wait to show off my new vocabulary!
I wouldn’t classify myself as anywhere near as progressive as some here, but I don’t know how anybody outside of those that are currently in power could like this. This doesn’t even just hurt minorities or women. It hurts ANYBODY that wants to create change. All this does is solidify the position of reps that are in…
More frog posts on Splinter please. I feel happy now that I’m full of Frog Facts!
I’m not offended that he won’t cast a white guy lead.
I would be bummed if he didn’t have a regular white dude sidekick that gets killed in every movie to turn that trope on its head.
Interesting to see the seasonality difference between the two cities in that first chart. I wonder if it’s consistently the case that London declines in the summer.
Unwittingly making you feel inadequate because your pecks just can’t compete with the Osundairo brothers?
You read the text right, but it autocorrected from, “feed ‘em.”
“GOP operative” lolz. How old are you, child?
I have to say that I did not expect to read the term bayoneting orphans today. Take your star, you monster.
Can he still name drop the schools? I need to see this tournament descend into chaos.
I was all in on Mayor Pete.
WHAT? This is the worst thing that I’ve read all day.
Nice. I’d be okay with them, but I’ve been on the Mayor Pete bandwagon for the last two months (with like 5 other people) and think that his story is a winner if he could get the visibility. That said, I think that it’ll ultimately be a race between Kamala, Beto, Bernie, and Klobuchar.
Genuinely curious - who’s your first choice?