
I’m dead.

I submit basically any pass from Jason Williams on the break:

Only things missing are yesterday’s news of the Florida man that was arrested for threatening to attack the funeral of the Purdue super fan that died of cancer (wtf) and the Florida stripper that wanted to do a mass shooting.

Haha...nice. Congrats on getting in 15 years ago. Definitely the right time to be here.
 We’ve done everything that we can to stay in our 1BR with our kid. Even built ourselves a little temp room for our little one, but now #2 is on the way and that’s all she wrote. If childcare wasn’t catastrophically expensive, we

30 to 50 years ago? I’m not fancy enough to afford something that new!

Yeah, we looked at Westchester (definitely not Scarsdale - the whole place is obscenely priced). We considered some places like the River Towns, but you’re right that property taxes are unreal there. I’m looking out in Long Island now because at least taxes are a little better. This whole area is insane. It’s almost

I am someone that is fortunate enough to be making pretty good money and I can tell you that the cost of living in Manhattan will always be too far removed from normal people to be affordable. I’m actually throwing in the towel and moving to the burbs because it’s a losing battle. Sure, we still have a little student

Don’t know why the ref cares so much. If you have long hair in wrestling, it’s your choice and will be to your detriment. One of my buddies on my high school team had cornrows and let me tell you that they were like having built in hand grips when you ran a half nelson.

I know it’s too much to ask of Deadspin to not conflate two separate issues here (McNair’s death and the toxic culture), but the people responsible for Jordan’s death still work at the university. Wallace Loh rejected the former AD’s request to outsource medical oversight of athletics to the more independent

I’m sure this will get every Ricky Thompson from Waldorf fired up, but he ain’t wrong.

One of the first prominent right-wing fags whose sexuality was central to his scam was Milo Yiannopoulos.

These are all helpful. Thanks. My bottle shop hasn’t seen any of the specialty versions of BCBS. That said, I did mention Founders CBS to my Whole Foods beer buyer and they went out and bought several cases. Maybe I’ll see if he can swing something for BCBS.

This is a great idea.  A perfect match, in fact.  Kaep and the wokest owner in the NFL combining forces?  No brainer.

Any sense of how one goes about finding the flavored variants? I’ve only had the original versions.

And that’s where they will end up at the end of the year.  I don’t see them finishing top ten this year.  I’m guessing they’ll be around third in the Big Ten when the season is all said and done.

Michigan has a great coach with moderately okay talent on the roster. Probably a top 15 team by the end of the year.

Just checked the roster.

I guess that you could argue that the income tax from the employees will offset the subsidies provided. Also, the property tax gained from increased real estate prices will probably benefit the city more than the $2 Bn in benefits to Amazon over the long haul.

But I would rather have Showtime dancers—the oft-demonized black youngsters who perform Litefeet and pole dancing routines on the train in exchange for tips—for a couple of stops than encounter Asaly and her crew screaming, drinking, and hitting a piñata through two fucking boroughs.

The uphill battle to get out of the greys for posters that don’t necessarily align ideologically begins...again.