
If you have a multi-million dollar contract and you win the World Series, you have to go all in on some Pappy, right?

I know that this will largely get overlooked or shouted down, but if Ellis McKennie, Jordan McNair’s close friend and the one that was vehemently against Durkin’s return said that this fight was not pro Durkin people vs. anti Durkin people, I believe him.

Pretty obvious that she hates crippled people.

I guess you’re not going to have that problem now...

That’s horrible. Thanks for sharing your story. It’s a wonder that you don’t hear more about athletes with painkiller addictions at the college level.

I live out of the area, but used to go to the games when I was still in the region.  You’re in a tough spot, because the kids absolutely deserve our support.  At the same time, the President, AD, and coach do not.  I hope the players know that the fans are 100% behind them, even while to boos rain down.

See my post above. Wallace Loh has culpability in this due to his ignoring of a key recommendation by the former AD to move oversight of the medical treatment program out of his control and under the UMD School of Medicine.

Loh is being forced out at the end of the year. He shouldn’t have been given this courtesy regardless of the DJ situation. He rejected the former AD’s request to outsource the medical care to the UMD Medical School (you know...the experts in medicine) and instead opted to keep the operation in house in order for him

I know that it will never happen on this site, but it would be amazing for somebody to delve into the corruption and cronyism of the University System of Maryland Board of Regents. They have constantly put the needs of the kids below their own self serving needs (this is an example), and they are cowards, every one of

This would have killed in the ratings if NBC showed any other countries besides the U.S. during their broadcast.

They’re going to have to fully rebuild anyway. I’d expect Durkin and the AD to be gone, with the President not far behind. If anything is being covered up, the toxic culture report is meant to dampen the impact of the lawsuit. That said, I’d rather see the kid’s parents paid than the buyout for a coach, but I’m sure

I like Luke Cage as a character, but I thought that the villains weren’t compelling enough when compared with Daredevil and JJ. You pit him against a more interesting villain, like the Kingpin, and perhaps the show keeps going.

Good news.  Now we can get back to taking care of the real victims here - the universities.

This is a good post and I certainly understand what you’re saying.

I’d still prefer to put something between me and other people’s pee particles that landed on the seat.  I don’t like touching human pee.

I vaguely remember that incident (although I’m definitely not Googling it at work). If I recall, what Danson did was definitely  considered blackface and has been grossly offensive since forever. The source of these controversies are skin coloring in a way that emphasizes the race of somebody, but isn’t a clear over

Gotcha. For the record, I don’t think that white people are more adept at defining what should create outrage by any means, nor should they think themselves as such. I’d argue that there is an element of doing the litmus test of “would I feel offended if someone dyed their skin white?” and if the answer is no, they

I don’t think that’s the same by any means. Your example would imply that there was a direct feedback loop and people continued down an evil path regardless. I think that the line moved in that there was not a direct feedback loop about how hurtful altering pigmentation actually is, and now that there is a broader

I partially agree with you in that it hasn’t changed meaningfully, depending on your perspective. I don’t think that most white people understood that what they were doing would even be categorized as blackface, which most of them believe is an awful thing that you just don’t do.