They do not have a nervous system in the same way we do. Their sensory organs effectively allow their bodies and muscles to respond to environmental stimuli without the need for the brain to process it. It is what allows them to have such amazingly fast reflexes. They are obviously aware of injuries they take, but…
Oh the humanity!
Actually they are called holographic for the Pokemon TCG. And you call yourself a nerd! You now must now turn your inhaler in at the next comic convention.
Or Skyward Sword.
She's a bit closer to the Skyward Sword version.
Independent movies/books/art started out as movies/books/art written/made with passion for people who embraced and loved them. Now too much of it is about churning out giant mounds of decent but undifferentiated product to be watched/bought/viewed for pennies by people who don't give a crap either way. - self…
I think you hit the nail on the head here:
The statement assumes X is distributed equally though. If we had good quality indie games (and we do) and people have the means to differentiate the quality, then the rise of crappy Ys will hit a ceiling. The problem isn't in the rising number of (crappy) indie game developers but lacking the effective means to…
That quote is part of a post Vogel has written on his blog that ties into some stuff we've been talking about over the past week. Namely, that there are too many indie games being made, and it's starting to become a serious problem.
Something tells me the OP doesn't understand the nuances. He is equating having a response that he disgrees with as being a feminine trait (specifically someone on their period). It's still a gendered insult.
Well no, it'd still be a ridiculously impractical outfit, regardless of Quiet's genitals.
*resist urge to make dick joke*