This is so exciting! Though is there a reason you call him Mitasuda instead of Mitsuda?
*sees Rin’s character design*
eee that preview video made me grin so big. It’s like hanging out and having fun with all my queer friends. I gotta check this out.
Hurray! So glad that you’re sharing her art on Kotaku. Erica is really good, and the first person I’ve bought prints from online in forever. Highly recommend checking out her daily sketches!
The big difference is, Hideki Kamiya is a fleshy human developer that gets sweaty, while Yoko Taro is an ice cold robot with an artisanally-crafted heart of gold.
I bet these cosplayers showed them assorted options and staff said, “These are the cutest!” And the rest, as they say, is history.
They’re popular characters who are cute, I suppose. Advertising is weird.
Whoaaaaa. I loved Shin Godzilla, but I didn’t think it’d beat out such popular films. I mean, it’s an important film, particularly for this moment, but dang. Congrats to them!
Can’t wait! FTL was amazing! Really high quality. I will buy every game they make.
Worth noting this was not uploaded“earlier tonight”. It was uploaded 6 days ago on December 13th but only started picking up attention tonight. It has been up for almost a -week-. Which, in my opinion, is even funnier.
It should be “Yuuri on Ice!” but sure. It’s still a very good show you should check out.
In the game’s world, there seem to be different areas. So, like, he’s from a super rich, royal area and thus has clothes like that, while they are going on a road trip through “normal” country. I hope they address that they generally look out of place. Though they’ve shown scenes of them in big cities and fitting in.
Best poem 2016.
Whoa. I dig that it seems like a hybrid between classic Godzilla and Shin Godzilla. It is so creepy and cool.
*cries at Nuzlocke memorial video* ack! Gita!
Are they aware of, like... the entire history of anime and Japanese media?
... I wonder if this Godzilla statue’s arms would be sturdy enough to hold me and make me feel safe in my exorbitantly expensive and cold home full of icons of my absurd wealth I earned at the expense of every relationship I’ve ever really cared about.
Now that we’ve seen their final evolutions, Popplio is unequivocally the best. You seen that swimming pop star mermaid? Aka the Popplio Star Mermaid. I want its next album.