
I’m guessing they’re making the distinction of “putting someone to death due to believing they committed an egregious crime” and “putting someone to death on false charges or for simply personal reasons”.

If those non-American game developers get freed after false accusations of being spies, I’d guess Kotaku would cover that, as well.

Thank goodness. I hope he is able to get home safely along with the others. They’ve been kept from their families for too long.

heh. You are correct, but I was just making a joke. :)

Now this is quite the, uh, transformation.

Yo Abel got tricked out!

Marksman... Jhin... J Hin... John Hinckley... The man who shot Reagan! =O

Oh my gosh it’s me and my cat!

I know you’re just trying to make a joke, but that was a dumb thing to say. Carrie Fisher looks fine, and like many women in the movie industry, she has a whole lot more to offer than just her looks.

This is better. Monsters don’t come after you to lash out, they just wander around at a safe distance. It’s still really creepy even if they aren’t going to hit you.

But Brad and Dan are so alike! They’re practically twins! :D

heh. Yeah, that’s Brad Shoemaker.

This may be the dark middle chapter, but I am confident Return of the Klepek will see things set right.

Now playing

While not perfect, they actually do have a Kylo Ren lightsaber sold by Disney that has rougher plastic with crackling sounds and slightly flickering lights. Gives it a more authentic feel to how it is in the movie.

KONAMI: “With Kojima gone, why don’t we see about finally getting in some lizard men?”

One of my kids is 100% gonna be named Mothra.

ahahahaaa.... haha.. ha... h... ...... ._.

This cat is so fashionable and adorable!

ha. Me, too! I got this and thought it looked like a crappy new ID, and then I didn’t even get the ID trailer...