
“global climate change” hysteria is a hoax.”

Well, the first answer is unions. Police unions are some of the most powerful in the nation and as such, are going to rally behind their members regardless of the situation. I think there’s an honest debate about whether that’s a good thing or bad. Personally, I feel that sort of protection has to end once something


Ball of foot on brake, side of foot on gas... That’s how I’ve always done it.

The Mustang’s driver.

5th Gear was a show that you would watch if you actually were interested seriously in car reviews. Top gear was just for show (the visuals, the jokes and entertainment).

This is why I love April 1st: The one day of the year everything on the Internet is treated with the doubt the other 364 days deserve.

Good luck man.

Guess you missed the line ending “piled on by every subsequent president for their own purposes.”

Even though her green laser was more powerful than Hill’s her backup guy had the super powerful Violet laser.

Ah man, we have got some serious facial expressions breaking containment at the end of this thing...

Please excuse the long post as I’m getting a lot of comments on this so I hope to break down all the arguments in one section. (Also it’s my birthday and I want to start billing so I’m not in so deep of a hole for this month!)

GM LS Engine : Open Source for cars

I wish people would look at the economic impact of going autonomous. For instance, if Congress were to ban all non autonomous cars, what about people that can’t afford it? Hell many can barely afford to take the bus! What about people in rural areas? So you expect companies to invest in servicing those people out in

$48k now... $18k in 4 years

I’m not unfamiliar with the time crunch you’re describing. For a while, I was working 80-90 hours a week, no days off, at three jobs just to get by. It was awful and “just find an extra hour” wasn’t possible. At the same time, the principle still applied. I needed to apply my time towards something that would get me ou

I mean, Maine is pretty as fuck tho.

It's the classic "overcorrect then lift" mistake. Small adjustments guys. Small adjustments.

Yeah... his paycheck examples and savings recommendations in this PDF are kind of high for people making minimum wage or just above. And congrats to whoever paid off $30,000 in ten months - you paid off almost twice what a person making $8/hour (typical retail hourly wage) makes in a year, working full-time. This