
I got apathy for DAYS

Did it ever occur to her that people assumed she was a “ho” because she got famous by taking tons of NSFW photos and having high-profile relationships with famous people?

Great sentiment, but she’s still famous because of her relationships with rappers.

As if people need more reasons to stop living in Cincinnati...

The Bible was written by several different authors over the course of a few hundred years, yet millions of people believe that it is absolute fact...alright then.


As a man (hell, as a human) I can’t take MRAs seriously because men have no idea what it’s like to have their body become a political issue. Just being aware of something can markedly change the way you approach life.

What if we just stopped letting white people write books? Women are okay, we need more female voices out there. But no more men. Ban them for like, a year or two. They can still do research and whatnot.

In other news, water is wet.

No, I don’t care. But I clicked anyway!

Hopefully no one uses it to erroneously attack people.

Aren’t white rappers the definition of cultural appropriation? Shouldn’t we be outraged at this (I can’t be, sorry guys)?


Sounds like it’s only a matter of time before Khloe becomes a Jezebel feminist icon!

Reality series in development. Podcast, too.

Wouldn’t she have mentioned that in the allegations? Seems like that would be a bigger issue than what Deen allegedly did...

What is woke? And please stop using it.

“Look, I just want a limited federal government that defers to states whenever possible, lower taxes, etc...Oh and I don’t like the gays...or women and their bodies. Or minorities...OH, wait, almost forgot immigrants.”

Scramjet is my new favorite word.

Here’s hoping that the part-time female coaches can find happiness in their future endeavors.