
i personally find that remarkable

alternatively, are you blind to the criticism that Sander’s receives for being the wild eyed unkempt socialist? Any day one can see a litany of things Sanders NEEDs to be doing. he NEEDS to bring the tone down, he NEEDS to be more conciliatory. Everyone gets “needed” by people in the media. It’s only the Clinton folks

The vast majority of Democratic voters who dislike Clinton fall over themselves for Elizabeth Warren. The entire point of this blog post is absurd. Anti-Obama voters don’t hate Obama because he’s black, they hate him because he has a D after his name. Everyone hates Clinton because she is a center right Republican

She doesn’t have to be matronly. She could be exciting and revolutionary if she wanted to and it would be fine but she doesn’t want to be that either.

Bernie Sanders record isn’t nearly as garbage or corrupt as hers. I can confidently say Bernie’s not the reason I worried about losing a friend in Iraq. Or why I know of people who did die. Or that thousands died in Libya because of her planned intervention.

Define viable? Sanders often polls higher than Clinton in a matchup against Trump. Unless you have a diffirent definition of “viable” then the one I have?

Barrack Obama was more likeable than Mitt Romney, in part, because he has a warmer personality.