Gamers have be awful lately. Make game like A, B complains. Make game like B, A complains. Make game inbetween A and B, everyone complains. Then years down the road they complain the new games aren’t like the ones they originally complained about.
Gamers have be awful lately. Make game like A, B complains. Make game like B, A complains. Make game inbetween A and B, everyone complains. Then years down the road they complain the new games aren’t like the ones they originally complained about.
That’s because it *is* very childish. They’re basically deciding that because things didn’t go their way in the first 10 minutes of a match that they’re just going to sit in the corner and pout while the rest of their team suffers.
Get off your high horse and stop putting words in people’s mouths.
I almost spit out this rhubarb phosphate that I got from the local apothecary on my polished tortoise shell monitor. If my pocket sundial is right I can get there in time for the show and still be able to pick up my bison hide saddle bag from the tannery!
While the Dota 2 changes are somewhat exciting in their size, and have even piqued my interest, it still has yet to change some of the stuff that I find discouraging about the game itself. Its just not for me in its current incarnation (even its new one), but I also understand to change it to my current MOBA of choice…
PS. My boyfriend is also writing his dissertation about the history of the banjo, and owns a waistcoat. Good God, WE HAVE SEEN THE ENEMY AND IT IS OURSELVES
When I opened that reddit topic on sunday and saw the video, I was actually hoping for the guy to give us a detailed rundown like this, but alas! it was just the video and redditors there. Ironically, here, I actually got the interview I was expecting, haha!
So glad there’s a female option for this.
I want a good phone, though.
See? Comic book readers’ minds can’t handle it.
Heroes games last 20-30 minutes, league games last 45-65 minutes. At 20 minutes, the game is almost over. League is the same way, if everyone wipes at 55 minutes, you lose.
Hots is in turbo mode, the lane phase lasts for 2 minutes, the roam mid game lasts for 10 minutes and the end game is between 5 and 10 minutes of…
From my roughly 90 games now, I’ve grown to enjoy this much more than DOTA or LoL. Yes, those defeats are frustrating, but at least you haven’t invested 30 minutes to an hour grinding away to have it all slip away in one swoop. It’s easy to see how the tide of the battles are going, even five minutes in. And then it’s…
I wish some of the other -ality’s would make appearences in the new MK game. my favorite is the babality.
When writing an emulator, you don’t code things for specific games. Well, except at the late-ish stages where enough works that people are trying to use it to actually play games, but enough is broken that coding workarounds for individual titles is easier than fixing it properly, so you do that to get them to shut up…
Comedian and Last Week Tonight host John Oliver responded to ex-FIFA official and wanted man Jack Warner’s wild “The…
I know :( I guess they had a good interview with Roggie Feels Amir about the upcoming Legend of Hilda: Lonk’s Sleepytime too.
Was a Vietnamese guy holding the camera?