Leftists are mentally ill and nobody cares about their opinions except other mentally-ill leftists.
Leftists are mentally ill and nobody cares about their opinions except other mentally-ill leftists.
It’s perfect. The fact that the cancel crowd is demanding it gets censored because they took it as a jab against the openly-communist, subversive traitors known as BLM is very telling. You can see everyone in the comments singing the praises of putting those evil “HUWITE PEEPO” in their place, but woe be unto you if…
Thank you for the reminder the 19th Amendment must be repealed. You are a perfect example of how demented a female thought process is.
Really? It got censored because the cancel crowd thought it was a jab at blacks. Maybe the weak, Marxist crowd you hang out with is “fragile”, but if you knew any actual men who weren’t entirely soy-based or women who weren’t trolling Twitter all day to report wrong-think, you’d have a better opinion of “white…
Oh... The cancel mob thought it was intended to offend a sacred-cow group, so they had it censored. But it’s okay, because it’s intended to take a shot at huwite peepo. That must be the “privilege” they’re always talking about. Interesting how EVERYTHING these communists claim is diametrically opposed to reality.…
Blacks created all American music... Negros are so adorable with their “Hidden Colors” mythology. People who never invented anything have to claim to have invented everything, to soothe their fragile egos. That’s also why they get all pissy when someone “appropriates” their “culture” (or lack of culture). I will…
Personally, I don’t understand why conservatives are so concerned with abortion. The majority of people getting abortions are the very low-drive, feminazi, mentally-ill, loathsome, psychopathic baby killers this movie derides. If it weren’t for abortion, we’d be up to our eyebrows in strippers and criminals, produced…
Jesus Tapdancing Christ, I’ve never seen a group of such cucks waving straw men and spewing falsehoods in my life. Get a grip and find your safespace, you sad, pathetic losers. Get out of your (single) mommy’s basement and get a job.
The “swastikas” on the sign are backward. This is an obvious false-flag, like the many black church burnings, reported as committed by “racists” and “KKK”, but later found out to be set by blacks. Emma Sulkowicz carried a mattress around campus to protest her alleged rape that turned out to be a hoax. When will the…