
He had a beautiful way to talk down to anyone but make it sound elegant as hell.

Sun would be the type of weirdo who doesn't name their pets because they don't want to get too close and be hurt when they eventually lose them but secretly really loves the dog anyway.

Don't forget Game of Thrones in July :)

Seriously. I have to question the judgement of anyone who did anything other than smile in joy at that scene.

…or it's your job. He's actively investigating her as she is currently a criminal on the run from the law. And he's assigned to her case.

Let's be real, the dude has a mad crush that's borderline stalking if he wasn't literally investigating her whereabouts for his job. Not that I blame him, really.

I know your not supposed to pick favorites, but Lito and Wolfgang are totally each others favorites. They always seem like they'd be actual friends even if they weren't in the same cluster.

Oddly, Lito and Nomi have the best teams over all. Amanita/Bug are both critical to the clusters survival, and Hernando/Dani are an insanely great emotional support system for a drama queen like Lito.

Lost did so many things right I have to constantly forgive it for the things it did wrong. I still can't believe it was on network TV in 2004.

It also pretty clearly was a primary influence on this show, down to using Mitchell as a writer for this season and working with Donna Bae again.

If any character in history deserves to get laid and enjoy it it's friggin Jack. Poor dude has been on a non-stop failure of a mission for decades.

We need an Archie caption contest for that moment in the offseason.

Except I'm 99% sure they get that from Alice.

I feel like Archie is the Ace in the deck. He's both the highest performing trump card, and a 1, depending on the game and the scene. I really don't think this this maniac fever dream of a show could function without him bumbling along at the center like a Forest Gump of good natured gravity holding it all in orbit.

"You don't even know who that is, do you?"

It takes a lot to steal a scene from Sir Anthony Hopkins. Herthum stole that scene, then went back and honked the ol' knight's nose for good measure on the way out.

Why are the titles for this show so much more fun than the show itself?

The dual was pretty much perfect. A great transition from the prequel aerobatic flights and tense, terse light saber duels of the original trilogy.

… except kung fu is from Asia. It would be like having an Asian musketeer. Sure, I mean, a Chinese dude CAN be a musketeer, but it's not the first thing you think of. Especially in mainstream entertainment. Other than a few big names like Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan is a huge disparity in Asian leads in western films

… a better actor can do a lot with poor material. I know it's a strawman argument, but considering the controversy in the casting in the first place they really needed to nail Danny's casting and make him a compelling answer. I think the universal wet blanket that has been this shows reception shows it wasn't enough.