
The first order of business is Netflix needs to fire Buck immediately. Nearly every instinct he had on this was wrong. I find it as bad of an adaption of modern Immortal Iron Fist stories as M. Knight's Last Bender film.

If you think about it, all this started after Intersteller was released got everyone googling "Murphy Law" - which clearly kicked off a series of whatever can happening, actually happening.

The top New Girl Greatness Pyramid basically goes 1. Anytime True American is played > 2. Anytime a Classic Cece-Winston mess-around occurs 3. Any scene with Nadia and/or Tran.

Every time Winston isn't on the screen I ask myself - where's Winston?

I haven't seen the episode yet, but the best part of the review was this line-

I think that and his powerhouse performance in the pilot have set him up to be a very important, and likely antagonistic presence through the rest of the show. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up being the big bad.

Winston Bishop has been the most delightful character on television for the last three years and I'll fight anyone that disagrees.

Felix having that same dumb look on his face all the time pretty much sums up the showrunners view on humanity.

Meh, I liked them before they were big.

I have no idea how the reviewer always misses that the top quote in every New Girl thread is Winston and that Winston is the best character on the show by a country mile.

Easily the worst depictions of being a lawyer I've ever seen. Which makes sense for Matt I guess, as he's supposed to be a hot mess and shitty lawyer all season. But Foggy is supposed to be a good lawyer… and yea no. That's not how being a lawyer works.

The frog wasn't originally racist. Stupid Trump.

Nope, you're going to argue with that strawman and YOU ARE GOING TO LIKE IT.

Season 5 isn't as good as 2, but it's much better than 1 and 3. 4 is funny but nothing special.

Thank you, it's really reassuring you're assisting everyone who can read subtitles but not the disclaimer in front of every single episode.

I think it serves dual purposes of 1) allowing a bit more English in a primarily Spanish language show which can only help the ratings/viewership of the show and 2) adds a nice bit of context and history for those not alive/aware of the era. Sure it's clumsy at times but it's also effective. The reviewer complaints on

I think she was mostly just relieved she finally understood what was going on in his head (and that there wasn't something wrong/inadequate about her)

Her and Bojack at the most alike though of all the main characters.

Couldn't agree more. It left a sour note in an otherwise pretty good season because it felt so grandiose, yet so ultimately empty. I'm almost at the point I just wish Bojack would succeed in killing himself. If nothing in the last three seasons could get him to change his life I can't see anything in the future (even

How about a $130 million film about the Great Wall starring someone from China?