
Stuff that reaches down to the really deep cultural well of the matter always feels that way because it hits some archtype in our story we respond to. There is something inherently magical in that shot of a kid/man with a slingshot/again against a monster/tank he can't stop but fighting anyway despite the odds. The

Same, I'm bummed it doesn't get enough love in the rush up to the finale. Great to see all three plotlines come together so seamlessly and characters interact again sharing new info. That Joyce/El scene might have been my favorite in the entire series. Such a small, perfect moment to hit the emotional core of the

I always rated Hot Pie.

Difference is everyone Seinfeld always ended up paying for being terrible people. Gilfoyle is almost cartoon fan service at this point and unless they are building to some massive just desserts for him at some point the karmic comedy scale just tilts too much to shit on Dinesh.


They way she says "strawberry" still makes me burst out laughing, no matter how many times I see it in a row, 5 years later.


They really wrote themselves into a corner there.

I agree. I actually this this was a fun, soapy little period piece for the first three seasons. 4 on I just lost all interest.

I haven't seen this show in years, but holy shit did the kids get old. Has that much time passed?? Lily is speaking lines and looking as old as Luke and Manny did in the first season. Where did my youth go??

I agree. I still wish they had done a mini-season arc with him like they did with Reagan to great success this season in 3 (maybe 5-7 episodes) just to come in and shake the vibe up for a bit and then leave.

Season 4 was better than 3 (but lets be real, 3 was awful) but this is the first season since 2 I felt like the show was working on every level.

It's the best the show has been since Season 2 without a doubt. Freeing up Cece to cut loose a bit, letting Winnie totally off the leash, and even taking Jess out for a while has done wonders.

Or, in Fox's case, any actor in Hollywood can look good with good writing that plays to their strengths.

Winston, killing it as the MVP of the season. Year of Winnie at last!

I'm torn between wanting her to say and leaving forever but being mentioning every few episodes with dreamy eyed affection by all of the cast except Jess, who is flustered to have never met her and doesn't quite believe she exists.

I'd disagree and amend your statement by stating she can act, but has a very narrow range (which many actors before her have made entire successful careers on). She's slotted in successfully into this show though because it's fun to watch the cast bounce off someone less zany and more cutthroat direct.

You should feel proud. Winnie the Bish has been the unquestionable best character on the show since mid-season 2.

Let's be real, Jess has always been the weakest character. Even massively underused Cece gets bigger laughs when shes let off the model leash for a bit.

His mini-freak out that Schmidt had learned about the treehouse was the biggest laugh of the night.