
No one knows, but it's provocative.

Better start your own reactionary blog and claim you cost them .004 revenues for the year.

That was established last season when Becca unironically used the phrase "HashtagBlessed" in a speech.


Dude, no. They'll invade us wanting to learn more about our Gorilla City.

I have a hard time watching shows that even try to be legally accurate. I couldn't make it through two episodes of How to Get Away With Murder

Keeping a solid heavily uniform middle class is doable in urban and even suburban centers with the right economic engines running. The issue has always been that some people get left behind, especially in less desirable urban areas with high crime rates that no one wants to invest in and especially in rural

It helps keep plenty of bartistas and unprofitable but hip businesses run by trust fund kid money in the black though.

If anyone on this show deserves a "Hell yea!" moment it's PC, the only character who has, consistently, EVERY DAY (wink wink) worked to help others and push her own live forward no matter how sucky and hard it has been. She earned her win.

"What are you doing here?" has been a common phrase the writers keep harking back to you from the first episode this season. It's a question asked to others (including earlier in this episode to Penny on the boat) but I love how it's turned on it's head to be a self-identifying question when Bojack find Diane at rock

He makes even more sense as a sort of sleazy sort of adorable rabbit agent (his slicked back rabbit ears are one of my favorite animated character traits on the show)

Trump is basically doing comedy writers work for them. After 8 years of Obama boring the place up they should be paying him.

Go see the film. Def worth your time.

Seriously. Any arguments based on logic are simply overcome by Van Damme's kick.

Like Jon Snow!

Nomi improved 10 times as a character by the end of the series. Her girlfriend is still way, way, way too perfect of a human being to be believable though. Does that girl have anything remotely approaching a flaw?

I agree. Compare this to the awful Pride stuff in the first episode this was a nice example of how to properly do a scene like this. Two human beings, who happen to be trans and one gay, talking like human beings and they pain they feel and how to overcome it, is so so so much more effective and beautiful than

Not OP, but I can say I was interested the show since the pilot but not "addicted" aka can't stop watching until this episode. I dug the premise straight away so was a pretty easy sell, but the first episodes were interesting without full hooking me so I watched them over a few days when I had time. I was hooked after

Capheus driving was the most unexpected cluster connection in the series, which sort of makes it the best. You finally realized what the show had been building toward.

This is without a doubt my favorite episode in the series, and it leads to a great last few episodes. Everything about it works, from the individual stories to the crossovers in the cluster happening more often. Even the title, going from a cheesy line in Lito's movie, to being tossed back at him by Hernando, to being