Yes...I mean ignoring that her bothered saved more lives and that crazed fans are both male and female I suppose the only logical conclusion is to imprison all men cause clearly only ever commit homocide and only women are victimized.
Yes...I mean ignoring that her bothered saved more lives and that crazed fans are both male and female I suppose the only logical conclusion is to imprison all men cause clearly only ever commit homocide and only women are victimized.
Ummm...crazed female stalkers have killed before but yeah homocide only ever effects women.
Yeah it's not like her brother didn't save anyone or that crazed stalkers of the female gender haven't killed before (guess Selena was also killed by a man). I mean why resort to using facts and actually knowing the motive when you can just throw this poor women under the bus to sell a political angle.
Ummm...the attack was unlikely perpetuated by hatred (as most stalk killings are) and additionally crazed fans come in both male and female varieties but yeah let’s just pretend women are only ever the victims of homocide cause it helps maintain a narrative better. Just use the blood of a innocent women to market your…
Yeah actually it is as bad when a woman gets raped because there isn’t such a thing as a less valid victim.
Yet so do white women.
White females too. Women have a sentencing discount and let's not forget all those female teachers they get slaps on the wrist for commiting statutory rape.
Maybe assuming a priveledge where non exist is the issue.
Alright then the solution is the fire all the straight white men, hire only women of color and then it's equal. Eventually Jezebel will complain there is too many white straight men walking the streets. The only solution then is to pull a Mary Daly and demand all straight white men be killed like so many feminist on…
Also family court and when sentences are issued out and women get discounts.
Is that why women get lighter sentences for commiting the same crimes as men and why feminist groups have done exactly nothing to address this.
Actually statistically speaking it's about the same.
Rape only ever effects women as we all know and each rape accusation is true.
Oh please do go on his first world women are oppressed. I must not have noticed how women are slaved and chained into hard manual labor wirh daily rapings and whippings.
She’s his direct opponent of course he’s going to be dismissive of her. I’m not sure what he would get by pushing her over him if the goal is to win. You suspecting he wouldn’t be this dismissive if he was up against a man is as baseless as me saying Hilary would be far more criticized by sites like Jezebel if she…
Talk about projection.
Yeah all those Greek,Spanish,Egyptian dudes never existed. From the beginning of history every empire was all dominated by white men.
I love how openly generalizing you are, it's so awesome.
There’s also the little thing of women being physically incapable of handling manual labor the way men do. Sexual dimorphism is a thing and even in our modern world, there are several bone break breaking professionals that women are unable to handle. Also the funny thing about women being held back is that both men…