
Brilliant analogy? That’s a joke, right? Sarcasm?

Not the end of discussion, ya brain-dead ignorant zombie. Read the vaccine inserts, ingredients. In addition, live viruses can shed so keep your shedding children away from my healthy one!

Actually vaccinated individuals are warned to avoid contact with others, as they “shed” live viruses onto others. As Ghandi said, vaccination is a barbarous practice. And there are plenty of dumb brutes to support it! Read the vaccine inserts, people. The ingredients. The CDC is a criminal racket. Google William

So is “vaccinated public school zombies.” The IQs are dropping and the brain damage and autism are rising so you’re retarded yourself if you don’t see that something is wrong.

And public school kids are just, sssssssstupid. The college kids are especially retarded in the US. Dumbest people in the world. Those vaccines and that education system are Sure working out well, huh?