TrustMeImAnEngineer, but I'd rather be an InternationalArtThief

It turns out that having a bit of money doesn’t actually make most people all that different from you.

I’m reading it more as “I have a certain budget, there are many cars in this range I’d love to own, and I’m having difficulty narrowing it down.”

You just seem jealous here.

why ? Whether he has $2,000 or $200,000 it’s still nice to get opinions from other people with the same interests. Maybe he had a car in mind but wanted to see what other people thought to spark something in his head to look at a car he never even considered. This is an enthusiast website so no matter what we have in

Do you really need faster? How about a car that stirs the soul? CAUTION: NSFW

Asking for advice on an auto enthusiast site with an active comment section is hardly the worst decision someone with money to blow could make.

You don’t need to spend 200k to get something faster than an RS7.

If the camera catches you in the intersection on a red light, you are in the act of committing the offense.  When a traffic cop chalks your car, you are legally parked.

“Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.”

Would you like to invest in my cure for AIDS? I can’t tell you what the end result is going to look like but I have this mockup made from a box of Syringes and a bottle of Clorox. It kills the HIV virus very effectively. It isn’t viable for human use yet due to some side effects but I’m working to significantly lower

Uh, so can highways.

Fucking right-wingers, convinced that nothing’s racist unless someone’s burning a cross and shouting the n-word through a bullhorn.

Spare tires matter!

I have kids, and though I might cruise around on the weekends in a Wrangler, I would never plunk down $45k and use this as our main road tripper or do pickup/dropoff duty with it.

You can drive this vehicle with NO DOORS and a FOLDED WHINDSHIELD.

If you can’t see a 5,000lb SUV (usually sold in bright colors), or hear the sound of approaching 35" mud terrains, than you likely deserve to be hit for stepping in front of it on the road. The focus on pedestrian safety is mind-boggling to me.

The oncoming traffic putting high beams on may well consist of some drivers who want to piss you off as equally as you piss them off; but there’s a decent number of them are just trying to see because you took away their visibility.

Worrying about neighborhoods looking classy went out the minute people decided houses needed 4 different siding materials, 6 different window sizes/shapes, 5 different rooflines, and a garage door taking up 50% of the front facade space. 

How about in order to legally own one of these vehicles, you must demonstrate that you will actually use it the majority of the time for hauling or towing things around?

When will the truck makers give us replaceable grille inserts so we can extend our fondness for angry birds onto our trucks? I want a nice pickup, but I want to option to customize how I express my rage when I go to home depot to pick up some dry wall screws.