TrustMeImAnEngineer, but I'd rather be an InternationalArtThief

What has Iran done to us? Oh, I don’t know, sponsored multiple terrorist attacks in which hundreds of US personnel have been killed? Let’s see... Beirut embassy bombing (killing basically our only hope of reaching a lasting peace agreement with the PLO and Israel), Beirut Marine barracks bombing (killing American and

Based on a recent project, you’re looking at about $900 per cubic yard for class E concrete, and that’s probably a 9 inch depth panel, so let’s say 2 CY to pour that panel based on how big it looks from the picture. Now you have to wait for the surrounding panels to set so you can bring in equipment, so you have to

Add cooling systems to that. I think that’s going to be pretty important and proprietary and will be a differentiator between high performance EVs and lower performance/economy ones. I feel this is being overlooked big time when we talk about how ubiquitous or modular a motor or battery pack will become.

There’s a lot that CAN be done if you want to save someone in every situation... But at some point you have to accept that injuries and deaths will occur and we don’t need to go chasing down and regulating every possible design measure that can reduce risk by 0.00001%. Otherwise cars would just be huge rolling pillows

I wonder if the crash data shows that the regulations have actually had a measurable effect on pedestrian injuries/deaths. Or is this just an overreaction to a perceived problem?

But if you get stuck you can just turn on all of your light bars to get out... No need for a winch.


When will people realize that just because something “provides jobs”, that doesn’t necessarily make it useful. The economic system will decide what jobs are worth it and what aren’t, and we shouldn’t be propping up inefficiencies just to create low skill level jobs that are unnecessary. This argument is used way too

But it’s still stupid.

An individual’s right to use their property as they wish, I guess provided that the zoning permits it, should always come before their perceived duty by others to keep housing prices up. It’s not even that big of an impact on house prices. Honestly here in Colorado I could probably put a project car on my lawn and my

This is pretty common, my friend that works for American has to wear a collared shirt or similar business attire when she flies as a passenger, since when you are flying for free, you are in a sense a representative of the company. Seems pretty straightforward to me, leggings are not business attire. 

So our people are smart enough to make effective weapons within the bounds of our treaties... and the Russians aren’t. Very interesting points on the consequences of that and how it plays into the potential response to any perceived aggression, but I don’t think just because we have better tech that scares them should

There’s a point at which it is simply not worth it to attempt to make some people a productive and useful part of society. These two kids simply have no utility to the world, and should therefore be discarded as you would with anything else that is useless and not worth the cost of salvaging.

Downforce increases the force of the car transmitted through the wheels (basically the “weight” that the wheels feel). This increases the frictional force, since frictional force is weight*coefficient of friction. (We’re going to briefly ignore the fact that coefficient of friction decreases slightly with tire loading

I think speeding should be made a secondary offense... You can’t get pulled over for it unless you do something else wrong too. It would work out pretty well, as people driving fast, in control, within the safe limit of operation of them and their vehicle would be unmolested. Speeding and cut someone off? Pulled over.

No matter whose side you’re on (and I adore planes, so this guy can come move next to me, I’ll even pay him to rent the plane) I think its pretty clear cut that it is wrong and illegal to go onto someone else’s property and then damage their property. How are these people not dead by now, or at the very least not been

Do you really want to take about what factored of safety are used in the airline industry and how well understood many of the crack initiation and propagation mechanisms that cause fatigue failure are? They’re just really good at regular inspections.

I don’t understand why people have a problem with uber. The drivers know the contract when they sign up, it isn’t like uber is promising benefits and then not delivering. It’s just not part of the contract that they drivers agreed to in the first place. If you don’t like the job offer, do something else. Why does the

Counterpoint: Southwest just had their 44th straight year of profitability, and I’ve never had a bad customer service or flight experience with them. It’s made me an extremely loyal customer, investor, and vocal advocate for their business. The legroom may be a bit cramped compared to a few other airlines, but even

If not putting them in slowly kills off idiots... I support that decision