
WTF is this shit? NJOY products just straight suck. Point Blank. Their failure does not constitute failure of the overall market. The original marketplace where “vaping” started is doing just fine.

She’s playing the sex card because that’s what Gizmodo staff does now. Their news stories are all about Political Correctness instead of, you know, technology. FWIW, I hear guys say suck my dick to other guys far more than girls. There’s nothing sexist about it. Sophie seems to have been raised by a man hater that

You must have been pretty on the fence about the purchase. Were you afraid that someone might see you with razer gear and naturally assume that you are a colossal douchebag?

Why are you playing the sex card? Women can say suck my dick too. I think you just had your jimmies rustled. You’ll get over it.

Excellent point. I did not see it that way. Well said and thank you for your input.

Yup. That’s IRL news anchor for NBC 11Alive, Brenda Wood.

Did they film Stranger Things in Georgia? Brenda Wood is a local TV news anchor here in Atlanta.

I saw a Carrot Top joke and this obscure reference. I’m impressed you guys didn’t go with the low-hanging fruit. A star for both of you.

I was hoping you’d turn orange like Arnold did on The Magic School Bus.

And you need a dongle for handicap access.

I bet there is only one entrance.

It would be hilarious if some unforeseen consequence of large scale mosquito eradication ushers in a real life apocalypse. Like if whatever relied on mosquitos for food suddenly develops a taste for humans. Can you imagine being swarmed by dragonflies and spiders every time you walked outside? Oh wait, did I say

I have to read now?

I’ve been peeking in every now and then, but mostly I’ve been having a blast with the new job and gathering people to stealthily yet blatantly trick the planet into rewriting itself!

Where have you been, Will? Feels like forever since I’ve seen your goofy avatar ‘round these parts.

Holy shit. It’s like you didn’t even read the article NOR the title...

I’m going with disgusting.

When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me too thanks.

I’m assuming the vandal was investing against Tesla

You are.