
Ew...why spend multi-hundred dollars on a gorgeous phone just to cover it with a case?

Please be friendly aliens

Please be aliens. Please be aliens. Please be aliens. Please be aliens. Please be aliens.

Oh my god that’s a glorious 404 page!

The first link in the story (DirecTV Now) goes to Bloomberg’s 404 landing page. On the upside, it’s probably the greatest 404 page I’ve ever seen.

Don’t keep the charging station in your bedroom. The thing makes a weird popping sound every 30 mins or so and it gets annoying. They say it’s “normal” though.

Don’t keep the charging station in your bedroom. The thing makes a weird popping sound every 30 mins or so and it

Is there footage of the engineers’ reactions? I’ve always wanted to see an opposite of the extreme jubilation you see from successful missions because I’m a heartless dick.

The thing is, you don’t really think about the fact that four thousand pieces of Lego-4,016, to be precise-is a humongous amount of Legos until you see them splayed out on your kitchen table in an endless sea of studded bricks,

It’s been proven FOD is all fake. WPD is real.

did you finish that people bar yet?

As a follow up.. it wasn’t too bad. Most of the death videos I watched were shot at from a distance, shakey, sometimes obscured. The majority were less graphic and stomach-churning than some of the videos of police killing black people we’ve seen in the past few years.

No response so far from him, maybe he didn’t? ;)

I’m going to regret looking, aren’t I?

There’s no evidence that he did. RIP.

Super click baity title. I love making fun of you on reddit, Casey.

Did you survive?

Ah, I see you’ve been to /r/watchpeopledie before.

No joke. HamNo once said “quid quo pro.”

Oh the irony of a “Gawker” site critiquing spelling and grammar.