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Sigh...I hate explaining jokes but here goes.

To make that comment. Duh.

It's right there.


Did you lose a bet? Is your editor punishing you? Blink twice if you’re being forced to blog against your will.

Hi George. I’ve been reading your posts since you started here at gawker. If you “needed” a day job as a writer, who would you write for?

Like a banana?

Groundbreaking. Exceptional. Top-tier. Journalism.

I have hard on for John Williams.

I don't wanna hear anymore about Mars unless they find little green men.

Stop saying “this,” you douche nugget. It adds nothing to the conversation and is the online equivalent of “hey, look at me.”

Guess you've learned your lesson.

Would you say you'd wish he was bombarded with high levels of radiation from high altitudes on a special airplane?

Need banana for scale.


You're wrong. You're always fucking wrong. Even your opinions are wrong. Can you please shut the fuck up?

Fuck you and all people who post, “This.” It doesn't add value to your comment, post or opinion. It's annoying as fuck and just because you saw someone do it that one time, doesn't mean you have to jump on the bandwagon and try it for yourself. Just stop. Elon Musk wants you to stop.

And fuck you for having a reasonable opinion that doesn’t shit all over the freedoms we expect to enjoy in this capitalist society.