Trust Me I'm a Doctor

Naomi Watts is like a plumber: no matter how shitty the job is, she'll show up and get it done.

I didn't. Because I was square as hell.

Especially since we had Clinton returns for pretty much her entire adult lifetime, and they show that she paid her taxes pretty dutifully, rarely taking anything but basic deductions, paying a relatively high rate and otherwise being upfront about her finances. But she was somehow "money-grubbing" or something.

It astounds me how people are just impervious to anything that could puncture their confirmation bias. Back when I still tried, there was a guy on my Facebook who was fiercely anti-Obama, and anti-Obamacare, and he was posting this thing from one of his sketchy newssites about how some hospital in Houston was letting

No, that's because all the meth sold out, due to many people going "Fuck it, why not?"

So is smallpox.

Often I'll get something where, because I watched a video like Feminist Frequency, I'll get suggested "ANITA SARKESIAN IS A FRAUD" videos. Not that I want to see them, but I like that it isn't keeping me isolated in a groupthink.

I do appreciate that it doesn't enbubble you.

Seriously, if she's going to hate, she could at least put some effort into it.

I tried to upvote this.

That's how she feels!

Look, I've seen the hoofprints, so I know that Zebracorns are nearby.

I liked that they were evil, but, like, a lazy evil.

Jax didn't so much "get" a mission as declare he was doing a thing.

I mentioned elsewhere in the comments about how all the actors are fantastic, and that's a key part of it. The movie lets you get who these people are by the actors showing you their character in performance rather than spelling it out.

*ding* You were saying?

I'd say the fourth is *fine*. The fifth I didn't even bother seeing.

The second one tried to stick too closely to the formula of the first, and hanging the lampshade on it didn't help. The third works best of the sequels because it maintains the character integrity while putting him in a completely different situation.

"He could be a fucking bartender!"