Trust Me I'm a Doctor

Fucking every actor in this movie puts so much more character into every little bit than than was on the page.

"The circuits which cannot be cut locally are cut for us, courtesy of the Eff. Bee. Eye."

This is one of the best movies in the history of cinema. Hands down.

The bad guys were overzealous
But it was sweet when they killed Ellis.

My dad used to hang out with Lou Reed before he was famous.

Titus is dropping bodies left and right in ACT ONE. It's legit.

Cinema in Earth-19 is in a dire state.

Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, Jenna's gotta Jenna.

Not quite what I mean. I did a rewatch a bit ago, and was pleasantly surprised to discover that the sixth season reads MUCH better when you know what the "Flash-sideways" actually are. Without that knowledge, though, the whole time you're kind of going, "Well, OK, but I don't understand why this matters".

(Personally I loved it, but I'll acknowledge the entire sixth season is damaged by the fact that they buried the emotional investment in its key narrative purpose with a misdirect they don't clarify until the last ten minutes.)

Also he keeps her dressed when he talks to her.

Well, "logistical nightmare" is already on the table. I mean, there seems to be all sorts of robot storylines that just happen regardless of who is around. Like, is Pariah just a constant Robot Orgy regardless of if any humans show up?

As with LOST and other shows like it— some people want to find the zerba-unicorns when they see hoofprints.

And why so many Quantum Leap episodes are downright wrecked in streaming.

I have to point out that that episode didn't go so well for Ms. Tanaka.

Well, except she didn't so much "come from Flash" as she was cast for Legends, and Flash was the vehicle that introduced her.

The point of the line is that saying, "I'll try" is basically preemptively admitting defeat. Success only comes from doing the thing, not kinda-sorta doing it.

Vixen totemed an iguana. Blended right in.

I really wonder why they made that choice to have Kendra be so inactive. Was it that they just didn't know what to do with the character? Were the wings effects so cost-prohibitive that they had to sideline her? Was the actress problematic, but they were already committed to using her by the time they knew?

I did feel like the power the airport security guy had there was far too much, even as a temporary ding. Given the amount of real-world consequence it had, I couldn't believe that the world could function if any one of that level of minor-tyrant had that kind of immediate destroy-your-like power.