
Sad but this is the inconvenient truth how deeply ingrained anti-blackness racism is ingrained in Asian and Asian Americans. Now with a growing beaugois class of Asians coming to the west it only gets worse.

yep, moms is from Flushing I can confirm the amount of Anti-blackness will blow your mind.

Yaou are on the money with this statement

Also off topic, I'm a BlackJew/Korean talk about seeing unicorn right?

can't wait.. excited

Twilight sucks period. It makes vampires look like a bunch of emo whining pussies. Bring back Blade.

I couldn't care for it less. It reminded me of that show that starred Margaret cho. Happy at first to see a see a sitcom with a different face that was an ethnic minority. Sadly like all other shows with a non-black minority they are doomed to being whitewashed and coming off as corny as hell. After awhile the star of

True dat. A major driving force behind the white/Asian interracial pairings are racial prejudices of other groups.

said it the best


Damn what's up with Asian women and white supremacy? So suspect.

My mom is Korean-American she's been asked a few times than more, "did she meet my dad at a juicy bar?" I know real classy huh

Well when articles like this come up I don't know whether to disagree or agree. Being bi- racial I can say yellow fever has been an exhaustive argument in the last year. What most people are saying from after reading the many threads is many Asian women have a white fetish as well. Reading these comments has got me

To be honest there is a substantial amount of black men who like Asian women. My black male cousins have shown interest in a few Asian women but not to a extent whereas to have a strong preference for them over other WoC. What's attractive to most white men rarely applies to black males.

What's the chances of that?

You hit a personal note with me there i am half Asian myself. Because of the subtle racism my mom experienced she distance herself from family members as well friends. The way racism is reciprocated in Asian communities is mind blowing. I admit there has been acknowledgement of the anti-black attitudes in the Asian

you and your mom are disgusting racist. The quality of some asan women is way overhyped

if this i your dating life that is pretty sad.

what is even sadder is how model minority theme is being used here which only adds to the black and non-black binary thats already in use. The Zimmerman-Trayvon trope is becoming a stronger reality among the racialized minorities its more obvious in east Asians communities. In a matter of time certain Asian groups