Definitely Not Miss Piggy
Definitely Not Miss Piggy
50-page handwritten letter won’t change his mind? Sex can fix this. Sex can fix anything!
Sooo I know he’s not that into me, but like, I’m pretty sure if I have sex with him he’ll change his mind. That’s how mature relationships work, right?
As a Lions fan it’s our biggest win of the year!
BRB I need a moment. Carlos Danger dance is my jam.
Definitely weirder if it hadn’t. I think that is the natural response.
Is it odd that my brain filled in the “DAAAAANGA!” or would it be weirder if it hadn’t?
Pardon me if I push back on this a bit, as a man who watched the show. It was getting worse and worse and I finally bailed this season when Sansa’s rape was made all about Theon. That was despicable, deserved all the criticism it got and I was done with the show.
GRRM writes shit. If it wasn’t for all the violence and sex the show would be shit to.
The GoT fandom - especially the men - get so vicious when the show is even slightly criticized. GRRM is so smug about writing strong women characters too, when they’re nothing but the same fantasy tropes. Like - I get that people are awful & women were raped, but there’s a difference in the way it’s treated by Ursula…
And the Facebook backlash has begun!
Or Jiggle Billy? Commence to jiggling!
I think he’ll be in our hearts forever with his greatest hit “I Want Candy”
Did the drink fling really happen or did I see another instance of men being given an “out” like being spit on (Ray Rice), or provoked to a physical beating unequal to the initial “offense”?
Should’ve went to FetLife
“They are still stunned that this is how it has all gone down,”
I feel kind of bad for laughing at “YOU’RE BREAKING MY AAAAAAAAAAAAARM!!!” out from the hallway.