
Oh, FFS. Chasidic members of the tribe, could you PLEASE stop embarrassing the rest of us? I’m pretty sure that if Judah could patronize a prostitute and then marry her, her also being his daughter-in-law, everyone will survive moms driving their kids to school. Knock it off.

When are women going to ban men from telling women what the fuck they can and cannot do. That's what I want to know.

And men’s room wide-stancing in 3.. 2.. 1..

Huh... given that I could see any campaign try to cover it up if they felt the perp was “essential” to the campaign, I really don’t have any solid guesses as to which campaign it could be.

This is incredibly well written and well thought out. I’m sorry that your name pops up with such a terrible association, that must hurt but seriously great job on this piece.

just be sure not to get your gin and tonic from Cosby

Man, Amy has been KILLING it lately. You go girl.

The best humor makes you want to cry, twice:( once because you are sad, twice because you are gut laughing), wince, get angry and punch a hole in the wall, and reach for a nice double gin and tonic, all at the same time. This skit accomplished all those things for me, but the hole in the wall punching was solely in my

Now playing

Jon Oliver. Jon Oliver’s love of soccer/wrath for FIFA is why this happened...

Feels like America just won the World Cup.

I’m surprised she didn’t need more wine to get through that conversation...

Thank you. Whenever I meet someone who votes republican because they agree with them fiscally, I just cannot handle myself. That just says to me that you think your money is more important the the fact that a great many of these Republican candidates are attempting (and succeeding in some cases) to wear down the

Can I add to your comment?

Yep. I think it’s a troubling sign when all the biggest surprises during the reveal panel for a game are centered on what’s not in the game rather than what is.

I LOVE YOU FOREVER FOR THIS GIF. Now please excuse me, gotta go watch Tombstone.

Fuck yes. You can pry my window seat from my cold, dead hands.

Oh my god- good for you. I know it makes me a petty, selfish person, but if one of these guys wanted me to move, I would be happy to keep the whole plane sitting there until he knuckled under.

Or, alternatively, realize that the world doesn't cater exclusively to your religion and take appropriate precautions. If you can't abide by women sitting next to you, then make sure to also buy both seats on either side of you to prevent this from occurring. No one said remaining faithful was going to be cheap.