Forget the D21. Just get a RWD Tacoma with the 5VZ V6 and a 5 speed.
Forget the D21. Just get a RWD Tacoma with the 5VZ V6 and a 5 speed.
Hearing Chewbacca speak English freaked me out just a little.
this filled me with...well, lets just say joy.
The helmet is too small? SAD, but the gloves will fit just fine, fantastic!
There is no meaningful way for them to prevent this, aside from disabling mobile phones while they’re mobile. I’m so tired of living in a world where the lowest common denominators set the standards for EVERYTHING. If those people weren’t on their phones they would have been reading the newspaper or a book or doing…
The show is not going out of its way to endear you to Lenny. Episode 2 has him being disgusted with the idea of homosexuality. So, they are doing what you want...showing that just because he might be younger doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the same regressive traits that the whole institution holds. This show is not…
Paul “Oatking” Johnson, aka the man responsible for that amazing Tie Fighter anime short, is working on a new…
Vice President Joe Biden just can’t quit endearing himself to the American people. When asked what he will do after…
I’ve never liked Dune. It’s too...sandy. I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and gets everywhere.
Isn’t this kind of the plot of Humans already?
FOX also aired the episodes out of order. Because, that worked for Firefly.
Blind Jedis are so hot right now.
In the run-up to Halloween, I’ve seen really young girls dressed up as Harley Quinn pop up on social media.…
First, let me tell you what Person of Interest is. Person of Interest is the inverse of Game of Thrones. For every…
The third season of the acclaimed thought-provoking British series that satirizes and examines our modern…
So many good ones.
Oh thank goodness, no coats of female superheroes or for women. /puts wallet away, grumbles
Step 1: Connect to the car in question.
I thought they solved the problem of people watching Top Gear illegally by firing Clarkson and hiring Chris Evans.