
Damn beat me to it. I would kill off every agent each season except Agent Coulson . At the beginning of the next he would say "Why do all my agents die" where someone would point out that he keeps going on suicide missions. He would say" well how come I'm not dead?" and the other agents would just look at him funny.

Can't wait to see how they handle the zero G training room.

How can you move to the right if they are racing behind you on both sides? hard to tell by the video if they gave him room to move over before all this happened.

This guy needs a new show....

It's hard to tell but it almost looks like the rider in front of the RR stopped suddenly. even in a large group like that you can't take up all the lanes. I don't blame the guy in the RR for taking off like that. After that one guy tried to pull him out of the car he should have used the RR to it's full potential.

They put the fabric up for sale not the costumes. You can't blame the carpet company, it is their pattern.



I hate that Marie went to see Skyler to gloat. Skyler should have slapped her right there and said " Walt is not in danger, he is the danger", then just call Saul. Freaking out like she always does didn't help any. going along with telling Jr. everything was stupid. If Walt was arrested it would have been better

Why does it need to be war hardened? Think more of search and rescue. Helping out in areas where there was a natural disaster?

Glad it's on Tuesday. There is never anything on Tuesday. They better not move it to Friday......ever.

The Hip Hop Stormtrooper

Lifeguard pointless? Think of the comedy gold you are missing out on. You could have any story end in like 5min. Bam! she is whatever and the heroes win. They all turn to her and jus t say " Buzzkill" yeah that's her new mutant code name, Agent Buzzkill. Have a story where the issue is resolved in the first few pages

awesome a movie where both Superman and Batman die! He is the one who knocks!

I didn't read all the comments after all this but I think Yashida was going after the bone marrow. Which might have been easier another way even by asking, but it wouldn't have been a ____ movie that way.

regardless of how this turns out I'm going to watch this.

oh oH OH! can we have Iceman and Firestar join him in the end!

She killed Dexter! I'm just waiting until she changes sides.

Be thankful....

Can we finally get a Krypton movie?