they gave her the protective order and then arrested her for being illegally in the country... sounds right..
they gave her the protective order and then arrested her for being illegally in the country... sounds right..
If you are here illegally ...might be best to get out now.. if you get deported you’ll be unable to legally enter the United States for 5yrs...10 or 20yrs maybe permanently.
Volvo Station Wagon... built like a tank and the back seats fold down pretty flat... just sayin’
This is going to be a real black eye
There is no fundamental human right to come / live in the United States... anymore than you have a fundamental right to live in Canada.. don’t believe go to the boarder and tell them... I’d like to move to Canada please.. you’ll be greeted with a mountain of paper work and eligibility requirements.
nobody that supported Trump probably ever sets foot in a bodega ... or gives that much of a flying F*ck about NY NY either really... I mean sure for a minute after 9/11 but then after that... meh....
mmmm.. all the repair costs of a German car.. all the craftmanship of Mexico.... YAY????
Chevy SS ... $50,000~ HOON mobile... possible good investmentt as not many of them have been sold so may go up in value??? if not hooned to death...
I would not... but I will pay $1.50 for them when you die and your heirs give them to goodwill.
I wanna go to Putin’s xmas party...
Is this why you all don’t watch sports? Because if your team loses you think the fucking world is going to end?
yeah.. and I’m the troll... hey you know what even if I don’t like your politics I wouldn’t be a dick about your dead grandma..
I’m not saying to not be sad about it.. hell I’m sad as **** about my Gran..
too early to say.
I’m saying this as someone who’s Grandma died 2days before xmas..
? what is the best thing that could happen when you put a nickleback cd in to you high end $2300 USD cd player??????
/acts all surpirsed..
thousand of Jobs have been lost over this fiasco... which certainly the majority of the blame lies squarely with Volkswagen.. no doubt.. STOP MAKING THINGS WORSE.... this message goes out as a general plea to all of humanity...btw.