
Am I the only one that didn’t know Belgium was a “whiter” country than Turkey or Lebanon?

The son of immigrants, who sniveled his way to some prominence, only to to be smashed under the slanderous bootheel of a billionaire.
He really lived the American Dream to its fullest.

hey, let’s not go disparaging Mother Goose

As always, smiling and not sharing the rock.

“Hold this under the backboard.”

Nope. Not how that works. Read a book.

Having the power doesn’t make you racist. Making everything about skin color makes you racist.

Yeah, Black Americans oppress so many groups, they even make sure that non-Black people get longer prison sentences for the same crime...and the enslavement! They have enslaved people! And let’s not even get into how the system is set up so that they have privilege, even down the the standards of beauty! Those

  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and thatracial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

This is something one of my students would write. This... this is not funny. I don't know, it's just dumb.

Ironically, black Americans are currently the most racist group in the country.

I’d like to thank a black man for telling me about WHITE people. Racism knows racism.